Friday, November 26, 2010



At first, I thought this camp is a disaster for me. Aku disuntik dokrin-dokrin negatif oleh senior yang cakap vet camp sangat tak best. Mula-mula tu memang rasa berat sangat nak pergi.

But, first day kat Kem Nur Bukit Unggul tu.. Wow, it was amazing! Macam-macam aktiviti baru yang aku try.

It was fun more than word can say. Pengalaman yang diperoleh sangat berharga dan it helps me a lot to improve myself. It built my self confident and improve my social skills and at the same time i get to know my coursemate and seniors better. Silaturrahim yang terjalin menjadi semakin erat.

But, ada la sikit-sikit rasa tak puas hati and nak marah kat senoir because some activities yang aku tak suka.Urghh..Tapi2,, sikit je ok.

Overall, aku happy sangat.

Betullah orang cakap, tak kenal maka tak cinta.

Bila flashback balik, aku rasa tak rugi pun pergi camp tu and worth it !

Want more information about Nur Nukit Unggul? Click here.

P/S : Akan ada vet camp part 2 and 3 yang akan dimasukkan foto2 menarik.


Mohammad Aiman said...

eh? bukit unggul? haha.. dekatnya ngan U acik.. dekat gile.. 5 minit je..

acik aritu kem situ jugak.. bulan lepas.. :)

(Pakcik yg jaga tu, x ingat r nama die, die ade buat mcm kena cari kotak besi itam tak? haha..)

Anonymous said...

hahaaha ni mesti kes x puas hati kna blg ngan bom after ingat game dh abis kn???
hmmm ni actually nk prepare korg utk expect perkara yg teruk eventhough korg rase dh abis maybe benda buruk tu ttp akan dtg.
but the thing is in life there is always unexpected spiteful thing so sober up and face. Glad u enjoyed it.
next year korg buat la smthg better utk jr korg lak. waktu ni ko rase oh bestnye jdi organiser

hakeey said...

aiman : haha. mn la kimi tau acik kt sne.

anonymous: : hehe.. ni msti senior yg join vet camp gak.